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PhD defense: Mathilde Van Cuyck

29 November 2023 à 14h30 - 17h00

“Understanding the Cosmological Evolution of Galaxies with [CII] and CO Line Intensity Mapping”

It will be presented in English. For those who would like to attend the defense online, it will also be available on Zoom.

“Deep galaxy surveys have greatly enhanced our understanding of the large-scale structure of the universe and of the formation of galaxies. Line Intensity Mapping (LIM) has emerged as a promising technique to provide a complementary approach to studying the universe. The fluctuations in the ionized carbon [CII] emission mapped in the millimeter reveals the star formation happening in dusty galaxies during the first billion years of the Universe, which is crucial to understand for galaxy evolution models. CONCERTO is the pioneering experiment that conducted such a [CII] LIM survey at z>5 on the 1.4-deg² COSMOS field. Moreover, numerous CO lines are mapped simultaneously by CONCERTO tracing the molecular gas, fuel of the star formation. In my thesis, I am studying how to separate the [CII] and CO signal from the important foreground and background emission in CONCERTO.”

Finally, the defense will be followed by the traditional “pot de thèse” (food+drink), to which you are invited!

Zoom ID : 878 5098 2909
Code :714487
Zoom link : https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/87850982909?pwd=WXpqZUtWZ2dmOTEwdk90VFlsOWNEQT09


29 November 2023
14h30 - 17h00
Event Categories:


Amphi du LAM